The Bible says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16, ESV). We offer this music in the hopes that these words will be fulfilled by it – that God’s word will richly dwell in you as you listen. We are so thankful for the opportunity to share with you what God has given us!

Stories & Songs for the Family of God
When we wrote our first parable song, The Wheat and the Tares, we were a young family having fun with a Bible story we had just read together. Stories and Songs for the Family of God expands on this approach. In it you’ll hear all the parables from Matthew’s gospel set to music, a couple Psalms, and several songs based on the story of how God has worked in our lives. Some are serious, some are a little silly, but all are focused in some way on the words and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope you are blessed as you listen.

Originally developed out of lessons taught to our church’s adult and children’s Sunday school classes, The Story of the Bible curriculum is a simple but comprehensive overview of what God is doing from Genesis to Revelation. If you are looking for a clear, simple, and biblical way to teach through the Bible to kids or adults, we hope you’ll find this resource helpful.
12 lessons covering the whole Bible. Each lesson outline includes what scripture portions are covered, a key verse, and essential teaching points.

Each lesson is accompanied by colorful graphic tiles that illustrate the main points.
Do you think the Bible is too complicated?
It doesn’t have to be…
Listen to the whole story of the Bible in under 7 minutes!
Other Resources
Links, articles, and more.
What is Jesus worth to you?
Many have just stumbled upon Him, others have found Him after spending precious years searching for that “something” that gives life meaning and value. In either case, both would agree…life’s greatest treasure is Jesus, and He is Worth All I Have to get Him!
Do you know someone trapped in a prison of unforgiveness? Jesus has provided the key!
This music video featuring track, “Forgive”, from our album, Stories and Songs for the Family of God illustrates Jesus’ parable of the unforgiving servant and the key to freedom from the bondage of unforgiveness.
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